Saturday, June 4, 2011

1 Juni - Santo Yustinus, Martir

Kita pernah dengar nama Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber. Tapi dr mana nama Justin atau Yustinus terkenal? Dari Yustinus sang Martir.

Justin, Martyr (103–165) was an early Christian philosopher. He wrote many books but most of his works are lost; only 3 survive. He is honored by many Christian denominations.
Most of what is known about the life of Justin comes from his own writings. He was born at Flavia Neapolis (today Nablus) in Palestine. His parents were pagans. He tells us (in Dialogue 2-8) that he tried first the school of a Stoic philosopher, who was unable to explain God's being to him. He then attended another philosopher but was put off because the philosopher was too eager for his fee. Then he went to hear a Pythagorean philosopher, who demanded that he first learn music, astronomy and geometry, which he did not wish to do. After this he was drawn to Platonism, until meeting an old man on the sea shore who told him about Christianity, and he converted. He was influenced by the fearless conduct of the Christians facing execution.

He then travelled about teaching. He arrived in Rome in the reign of Antoninus Pius (138-161), where he started his own school. In the reign of Marcus Aurelius, after a dispute with another philosopher, he was reported by the latter to the authorities. Justin was tried together with six companions by Junius Rusticus, and was beheaded
Waktu ditanya oleh orang yg mengadilinya dan akan menghukumnya, apakah Yustinus mengira dia akan masuk surga, Yustinus menjawab "aku bukan mengira," tapi "aku tahu (aku akan masuk surga)"

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